Magic Bullet Tracking Top 10 Configs for Auto Kill in PUBG and BGMI

Magic Bullet Tracking is a crucial skill for players of PUBG and BGMI. It allows players to accurately track and eliminate enemies with ease. In this article, we will explore the top 10 configurations for auto kill in PUBG and BGMI, as well as provide some tips and tricks for mastering Magic Bullet Tracking.

Key Takeaways

  • Understanding Magic Bullet Tracking is essential for improving gameplay in PUBG and BGMI.
  • Configurations such as sensitivity settings, crosshair placement, and recoil control greatly impact auto kill performance.
  • Weapon selection, movement and positioning, and communication and teamwork are also important configurations to consider.
  • Map awareness, game sense, and decision making play a significant role in maximizing auto kill potential.
  • Practicing tracking moving targets, utilizing training modes, and analyzing pro player gameplay can help improve Magic Bullet Tracking skills.

Understanding Magic Bullet Tracking

Magic Bullet Tracking

What is Magic Bullet Tracking?

Magic Bullet Tracking is a technique used in PUBG and BGMI to improve accuracy and increase the chances of hitting an opponent with every shot. It involves tracking the movement of the enemy player and adjusting the aim accordingly to ensure that the bullets hit the target. This technique is especially useful in situations where the enemy is moving quickly or taking cover behind objects. By mastering Magic Bullet Tracking, players can gain a significant advantage in gunfights and increase their chances of getting kills.

How does Magic Bullet Tracking work?

Magic Bullet Tracking works by using advanced algorithms and computer vision technology to track the movement of players in the game. It analyzes the trajectory of bullets fired by the player and predicts the path of the bullets to accurately hit the target. This technology is important in PUBG and BGMI as it gives players an advantage by automatically aiming and shooting at opponents, increasing their chances of getting kills. By constantly tracking the movement of players and adjusting the aim accordingly, Magic Bullet Tracking helps players achieve a higher kill count and improve their overall performance in the game.

To achieve accurate tracking, Magic Bullet Tracking takes into account various factors such as the player’s sensitivity settings, crosshair placement, recoil control, weapon selection, movement and positioning, communication and teamwork, map awareness, game sense, and decision making. By optimizing these configurations, players can enhance their tracking abilities and increase their chances of getting auto kills.

Here are some tips and tricks to master Magic Bullet Tracking:

  • Practice tracking moving targets to improve your aim and tracking skills.
  • Utilize training modes and custom matches to simulate real game scenarios and practice your tracking abilities.
  • Analyze pro player gameplay to learn from their strategies and techniques.
  • Adjust your settings based on personal preference and playstyle to find the configuration that works best for you.
  • Stay calm and focused during intense situations to maintain accurate tracking.
  • Use headphones to listen for audio cues, such as footsteps, which can help you track opponents.
  • Experiment with different weapons to find the ones that suit your tracking style.
  • Learn from your mistakes and adapt your tracking techniques to improve over time.

Remember, mastering Magic Bullet Tracking requires practice, patience, and a deep understanding of the game mechanics. With the right configurations and strategies, you can become a formidable player in PUBG and BGMI.

Why is Magic Bullet Tracking important in PUBG and BGMI?

Magic Bullet Tracking is a crucial skill in PUBG and BGMI as it allows players to accurately hit their targets and secure kills. By mastering this technique, players can gain a significant advantage over their opponents and increase their chances of winning. It enables players to track the movement of their enemies and adjust their aim accordingly, ensuring that every shot counts. With Magic Bullet Tracking, players can eliminate enemies quickly and efficiently, making it an essential skill for any serious PUBG or BGMI player.

To improve your Magic Bullet Tracking skills, consider implementing the following configurations:

Configurations for Auto Kill in PUBG and BGMI

Magic Bullet Tracking

Config 1: Sensitivity Settings

Finding the right sensitivity settings is crucial for accurate aiming and quick reflexes in PUBG and BGMI. Here are some tips to optimize your sensitivity:

  • Experiment with different sensitivity levels to find what works best for you.
  • Start with a lower sensitivity and gradually increase it until you find a comfortable balance between precision and speed.
  • Consider adjusting the sensitivity for different scopes and weapons to improve your aim in various situations.
  • Pay attention to your mouse or controller DPI settings, as they can affect your sensitivity.

Remember, finding the perfect sensitivity settings may take some time and practice. Don’t be afraid to make adjustments and fine-tune your settings to suit your playstyle.

Config 2: Crosshair Placement

Crosshair placement is a crucial aspect of mastering the magic bullet tracking in PUBG and BGMI. It involves positioning your crosshair at the most likely spot where an enemy’s head will appear, allowing you to quickly and accurately land headshots. By having your crosshair at head level and pre-aiming common angles and corners, you can gain a significant advantage in gunfights.

To improve your crosshair placement, consider the following tips:

  • Always keep your crosshair at head level, even when moving or peeking around corners.
  • Pre-aim common spots where enemies are likely to appear, such as doorways, windows, and corners.
  • Practice flicking your crosshair to the enemy’s head when you spot them, minimizing the time it takes to line up your shot.

Remember, having good crosshair placement can greatly enhance your ability to track and eliminate enemies with precision and speed.

Config 3: Recoil Control

Recoil control is a crucial aspect of mastering the magic bullet tracking in PUBG and BGMI. It involves effectively managing the recoil of your weapon to maintain accuracy and control during engagements. Here are some tips to improve your recoil control:

  • Practice Burst Firing: Instead of spraying bullets continuously, try firing in short bursts to control the recoil and maintain accuracy.
  • Use Attachments: Attachments like compensators and grips can help reduce recoil and improve weapon stability.
  • Master Weapon Patterns: Different weapons have unique recoil patterns. Spend time understanding and mastering the recoil patterns of your preferred weapons.

Tip: Experiment with different attachments and sensitivity settings to find the optimal recoil control configuration for your playstyle.

Remember, mastering recoil control takes practice and patience. Keep refining your skills to become a formidable force in the battlegrounds.

Config 4: Weapon Selection

When it comes to weapon selection in PUBG and BGMI, it’s important to consider the strengths and weaknesses of each weapon. Choosing the right weapon can greatly impact your chances of getting auto kills. Here are some key points to keep in mind:

  • Assault Rifles: Assault rifles like the M416 and AKM are versatile weapons that excel at medium to long-range engagements. They offer a good balance of damage, accuracy, and fire rate.
  • Sniper Rifles: Sniper rifles like the Kar98k and AWM are ideal for long-range engagements. They have high damage and can eliminate enemies with a single well-placed shot.
  • Shotguns: Shotguns like the S12K and S686 are devastating at close range. They have a high damage output but are less effective at longer distances.

Remember to choose your weapon based on the situation and your playstyle. Experiment with different weapons to find the ones that suit you best. Good luck!

Config 5: Movement and Positioning

When it comes to movement and positioning in PUBG and BGMI, awareness is key. Here are some tips to improve your gameplay:

  • Always be aware of your surroundings and use cover effectively.
  • Use the terrain to your advantage by utilizing natural obstacles like trees and rocks.
  • Avoid running in open areas without any cover, as you will be an easy target.
  • Move strategically and unpredictably to make it harder for your opponents to track and hit you.

Remember, mastering movement and positioning can give you a significant advantage in gunfights and increase your chances of survival.

Config 6: Communication and Teamwork

Effective communication and teamwork are crucial for success in PUBG and BGMI. Here are some tips to improve your coordination with your team:

  • Use Voice Chat: Utilize the in-game voice chat feature to communicate with your teammates in real-time. Clear and concise communication can help you coordinate your strategies and make quick decisions.
  • Assign Roles: Assign specific roles to each team member based on their strengths and playstyles. This can help streamline your gameplay and ensure everyone knows their responsibilities.
  • Share Information: Share important information such as enemy locations, loot, and strategies with your team. This can help you stay one step ahead of your opponents and make informed decisions.

Remember, effective communication and teamwork can give you a significant advantage in the game. Work together with your team and communicate effectively to achieve victory.

Config 7: Map Awareness

Map awareness is a crucial aspect of mastering Magic Bullet Tracking in PUBG and BGMI. By having a good understanding of the map layout, players can anticipate enemy movements and plan their strategies accordingly. Here are some tips to improve map awareness:

  • Familiarize yourself with popular landing spots and high-traffic areas.
  • Pay attention to the circle and plan your rotations in advance.
  • Use the map to your advantage by utilizing vantage points and cover.
  • Keep an eye on the kill feed to track enemy engagements.

Remember, having a strong map awareness can give you a significant advantage in gunfights and help you secure more kills. Stay vigilant and make the most out of your surroundings!

Config 8: Game Sense and Decision Making

In order to master Magic Bullet Tracking in PUBG and BGMI, it is crucial to develop strong game sense and decision-making skills. Here are some tips to improve your game sense:

  • Map Awareness: Familiarize yourself with the maps and understand the different areas, hotspots, and high-traffic zones. This will help you make better decisions on where to position yourself and anticipate enemy movements.
  • Game Sense: Pay attention to the game’s audio cues, such as footsteps and gunshots, to gather information about nearby enemies. Use this information to make strategic decisions on when to engage or avoid fights.
  • Decision Making: Think critically and analyze the situation before making a move. Consider factors like your health, available resources, and the enemy’s position and equipment. Make calculated decisions that give you the best chance of success.

Remember, mastering game sense and decision making takes practice and experience. Keep honing these skills to become a formidable player in PUBG and BGMI.

Tips and Tricks for Mastering Magic Bullet Tracking

Magic Bullet Tracking

Tip 1: Practice Tracking Moving Targets

Practicing tracking moving targets is crucial for improving your aim and increasing your chances of getting kills in PUBG and BGMI. Here are some tips to help you master this skill:

  • Focus on Predictive Aim: Anticipate the movement of your target and aim ahead of their current position. This will increase your chances of hitting them when they move.
  • Use Training Modes and Custom Matches: Take advantage of the training modes and custom matches available in the game to practice tracking moving targets in a controlled environment.
  • Analyze Pro Player Gameplay: Watch videos or streams of professional players to observe their tracking techniques and learn from their strategies.
  • Adjust Settings Based on Personal Preference: Experiment with different sensitivity settings and find the one that works best for you. Some players prefer higher sensitivity for faster tracking, while others prefer lower sensitivity for more precise aiming.

Remember, practice makes perfect, so keep practicing and refining your tracking skills to become a master at hitting moving targets!

Tip 2: Utilize Training Modes and Custom Matches

When it comes to improving your magic bullet tracking skills, utilizing training modes and custom matches can be extremely beneficial. These game features provide a controlled environment where you can practice your tracking techniques and experiment with different settings. Here are a few ways you can make the most out of training modes and custom matches:

  1. Target Practice: Set up targets at different distances and practice tracking their movements. This will help you improve your aim and accuracy.
  2. Recreate Realistic Scenarios: Use custom matches to recreate real game scenarios and practice tracking enemies in various situations.
  3. Experiment with Settings: Use training modes to experiment with different sensitivity settings, crosshair styles, and other configurations to find what works best for you.
  4. Analyze Your Performance: After each training session or custom match, take the time to analyze your performance. Identify areas where you can improve and make adjustments accordingly.

Remember, practice makes perfect, and utilizing training modes and custom matches is a great way to sharpen your magic bullet tracking skills.

Tip 3: Analyze Pro Player Gameplay

Analyzing the gameplay of professional players can provide valuable insights and strategies to improve your own gameplay. Here are some tips for effectively analyzing pro player gameplay:

  1. Focus on Positioning: Pay attention to how pro players position themselves in different situations. Take note of their preferred spots, rotations, and strategies for maximizing their advantage.
  2. Study Decision Making: Observe the decision-making process of pro players. Analyze their choices in terms of engagements, rotations, and resource management.
  3. Watch for Communication: Pay attention to how pro players communicate with their teammates. Note their callouts, coordination, and teamwork.
  4. Take Note of Loadouts: Analyze the loadouts and weapon choices of pro players. Look for patterns and understand the reasoning behind their selections.

By analyzing pro player gameplay, you can gain valuable insights and strategies to enhance your own performance in PUBG and BGMI.

Tip 4: Adjust Settings Based on Personal Preference

When it comes to adjusting settings in PUBG and BGMI, personal preference plays a crucial role. Customizing your sensitivity, crosshair placement, recoil control, and other configurations can greatly enhance your gameplay. Here are a few tips to help you find the perfect settings:

  • Experiment with different sensitivity settings to find the one that feels most comfortable for you.
  • Fine-tune your crosshair placement to ensure accurate shots.
  • Practice recoil control to minimize weapon spray.
  • Choose weapons that suit your playstyle and master their handling.

Remember, what works for one player may not work for another. It’s important to experiment and find the settings that work best for you. Don’t be afraid to make adjustments based on your personal preference and playstyle.

Pro Tip: Keep track of your settings and make small adjustments over time to find the optimal configuration for your gameplay.

Tip 5: Stay Calm and Focused

Staying calm and focused is crucial in maximizing your performance in PUBG and BGMI. Here are some tips to help you maintain composure during intense gameplay:

  • Take deep breaths: Deep breathing exercises can help reduce stress and anxiety, allowing you to stay calm and focused.
  • Avoid distractions: Minimize distractions such as background noise or notifications from other apps to maintain your concentration.
  • Practice mindfulness: Stay present in the moment and avoid getting overwhelmed by thinking too far ahead or dwelling on past mistakes.
  • Visualize success: Visualize yourself making accurate shots and outplaying your opponents to boost your confidence and focus.

Remember, staying calm and focused will not only improve your aim and decision-making but also enhance your overall gaming experience.

Tip 6: Use Headphones for Audio Cues

Using headphones while playing PUBG and BGMI is crucial for gaining a competitive edge. Sound plays a vital role in these games, providing valuable information about the location of enemies, footsteps, gunshots, and other important audio cues. By using headphones, you can accurately pinpoint the direction and distance of these sounds, allowing you to react quickly and make informed decisions. It is recommended to use high-quality gaming headphones that offer clear and immersive audio. Make sure to adjust the volume levels to a comfortable level to avoid any discomfort or damage to your ears.

Here are some additional tips for maximizing the benefits of using headphones:

  • Focus on the audio: Pay close attention to the sounds around you and use them to your advantage. Differentiate between enemy footsteps and teammate footsteps, identify the type of weapon being used, and listen for other important audio cues.
  • Experiment with audio settings: Adjust the in-game audio settings to optimize the sound experience. Find the right balance between game sounds and voice chat, and consider using surround sound options if available.
  • Minimize background noise: Play in a quiet environment to minimize distractions and ensure that you can hear the game audio clearly. Avoid playing in noisy areas or with loud background music.
  • Communicate effectively: Use voice chat or in-game communication systems to coordinate with your teammates. Share information about enemy positions and other audio cues to enhance your team’s overall performance.

Remember, using headphones can significantly improve your gameplay experience and give you a competitive advantage. So, don’t forget to put on your headphones and immerse yourself in the world of PUBG and BGMI!

Tip 7: Experiment with Different Weapons

Experimenting with different weapons is crucial in PUBG and BGMI. Each weapon has its own unique characteristics and handling, and finding the one that suits your playstyle can greatly improve your performance. Here are some tips for experimenting with different weapons:

  1. Try out different weapon types: From assault rifles to sniper rifles to shotguns, each weapon type offers a different range, rate of fire, and damage. Experiment with different weapon types to find the one that you are most comfortable with.
  2. Consider the map and playstyle: The map and your playstyle should also influence your weapon choice. For example, if you prefer close-quarters combat, a shotgun or SMG might be more suitable. If you prefer long-range engagements, a sniper rifle or DMR might be a better option.
  3. Practice with each weapon: Take the time to practice with each weapon and get familiar with its recoil pattern, bullet drop, and effective range. This will help you make more accurate shots and maximize your damage.
  4. Pay attention to attachments: Attachments can greatly enhance the performance of your weapon. Experiment with different attachments like scopes, grips, and muzzle attachments to find the combination that works best for you.

Remember, mastering different weapons takes time and practice. Don’t be afraid to try out new weapons and adapt your playstyle accordingly. Happy experimenting!

Tip 8: Learn from Mistakes and Adapt

Learning from mistakes is crucial in mastering magic bullet tracking. It’s important to analyze your gameplay and identify areas where you can improve. Here are some tips to help you learn from your mistakes and adapt:

  1. Review your gameplay footage to identify any missed shots or tracking errors. Look for patterns and areas where you can make adjustments.
  2. Experiment with different sensitivity settings to find the optimal balance between precision and speed.
  3. Practice tracking moving targets in training modes to improve your aim and tracking skills.
  4. Seek feedback from experienced players or join a community to learn from their insights and strategies.
  5. Stay updated with the latest patches and updates to adapt to any changes in the game mechanics.

Remember, mastering magic bullet tracking takes time and practice. By learning from your mistakes and adapting your strategies, you can improve your performance and become a formidable player.


In conclusion, mastering the magic bullet tracking in PUBG and BGMI requires a deep understanding of the game mechanics and the right configurations. By implementing the top 10 configs mentioned in this article, players can enhance their auto kill abilities and improve their overall gameplay. Remember, practice and experimentation are key to finding the perfect settings that work for you. So, go out there, equip yourself with these configs, and dominate the battlefield!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Magic Bullet Tracking?

Magic Bullet Tracking is a technique used in PUBG and BGMI to automatically aim and shoot at enemies with high accuracy.

How does Magic Bullet Tracking work?

Magic Bullet Tracking works by analyzing the game’s data to predict the movement of enemies and adjust the player’s aim accordingly.

Why is Magic Bullet Tracking important in PUBG and BGMI?

Magic Bullet Tracking is important in PUBG and BGMI because it gives players an advantage by allowing them to consistently hit their targets and secure kills.

What are the sensitivity settings for Magic Bullet Tracking?

The sensitivity settings for Magic Bullet Tracking depend on the player’s preference, but generally, a lower sensitivity allows for more precise tracking.

How can I improve my crosshair placement for Magic Bullet Tracking?

To improve crosshair placement, players should focus on keeping their crosshair at head level and anticipating enemy movement.

What is recoil control and how does it affect Magic Bullet Tracking?

Recoil control refers to the ability to manage the upward movement of the weapon when firing. It is important for Magic Bullet Tracking as it helps maintain accuracy during sustained fire.

How can I improve my game sense and decision making for Magic Bullet Tracking?

To improve game sense and decision making, players should analyze their gameplay, learn from mistakes, and make strategic decisions based on the situation.

What are some tips for staying calm and focused during Magic Bullet Tracking?

Some tips for staying calm and focused during Magic Bullet Tracking include taking deep breaths, practicing mindfulness, and maintaining a positive mindset.

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