How to Root Samsung Galaxy S21+ 5G using Magisk


Rooting your Samsung Galaxy S21+ 5G can unlock a world of possibilities and customization options. In this guide, we will walk you through the process of rooting your device using Magisk, a popular and reliable rooting tool.

Rooting your device gives you administrative access to the Android operating system, allowing you to make changes and modifications that are otherwise restricted. With root access, you can install custom ROMs, remove bloatware, and even overclock your device for improved performance.

Magisk is a powerful tool that offers several advantages over other rooting methods. Unlike traditional root methods, Magisk allows you to root your device without modifying the system partition. This means that you can still receive OTA updates and use apps that typically block rooted devices, such as banking apps or Netflix.

The purpose of this guide is to provide you with a step-by-step tutorial on how to root your Samsung Galaxy S21+ 5G using Magisk. We will cover everything from unlocking the bootloader to installing a custom recovery and finally flashing Magisk to gain root access. By the end of this guide, you will have full control over your device and the ability to customize it to your heart’s content. So let’s get started and unlock the true potential of your Samsung Galaxy S21+ 5G.

II. Understanding Rooting and its Implications

Understanding Rooting and its Implications

Rooting your Samsung Galaxy S21+ 5G can have a significant impact on your device’s functionality and customization options. In this section, we will delve deeper into what rooting means for an Android device, the advantages and disadvantages of rooting the Samsung Galaxy S21+ 5G, and the risks and precautions associated with the process.

Rooting refers to the process of gaining administrative access to the Android operating system. By rooting your device, you essentially unlock the restrictions imposed by the manufacturer and gain the ability to make changes and modifications that are otherwise inaccessible. This opens up a world of possibilities, allowing you to install custom ROMs, remove pre-installed apps (bloatware), and even overclock your device for enhanced performance.

However, it’s important to consider both the advantages and disadvantages of rooting your Samsung Galaxy S21+ 5G. On the positive side, rooting grants you complete control over your device, enabling you to personalize it to your liking. You can install powerful apps that require root access, customize the appearance and behavior of your device, and even improve battery life through advanced power management.

On the flip side, rooting does come with some risks and drawbacks. One of the main concerns is the potential for voiding your device’s warranty. Manufacturers typically do not support rooted devices, and any damage caused by rooting may not be covered under warranty. Additionally, there is a risk of bricking your device if the rooting process is not followed correctly.

To mitigate these risks, it’s crucial to take necessary precautions before rooting your Samsung Galaxy S21+ 5G. This includes backing up your data, understanding the rooting process thoroughly, and following reliable tutorials or guides. It’s also recommended to use reputable rooting tools like Magisk, which offers root access management through its Magisk Manager app.

In the next section, we will explore the steps involved in unlocking the bootloader of your Samsung Galaxy S21+ 5G, an essential prerequisite for rooting. So stay tuned to learn more about the process and how to proceed safely.

III. Preparing Your Device for Rooting

To ensure a smooth and successful rooting process for your Samsung Galaxy S21+ 5G, it is crucial to properly prepare your device. This section will guide you through the necessary steps to get your device ready for rooting.

The first step in preparing your device is to back up all your important data and settings. Rooting involves making changes to the system files, and there is a risk of data loss during the process. By backing up your data, you can safeguard your personal files, contacts, and app data. You can use various backup methods, such as using cloud storage services or transferring files to a computer.

Next, you need to enable Developer Options and USB Debugging on your Samsung Galaxy S21+ 5G. Developer Options provide access to advanced settings and debugging tools that are essential for rooting. To enable Developer Options, go to the Settings menu, scroll down to About Phone, and tap on it. Then, locate the Build Number and tap on it seven times to unlock Developer Options. Once unlocked, go back to the main Settings menu, and you will find Developer Options at the bottom. Open it and enable USB Debugging.

Lastly, you need to download the necessary files for rooting, such as Magisk Manager and Samsung USB Drivers. Magisk Manager is a powerful tool that allows you to manage root access and install modules on your device. Samsung USB Drivers are required for your computer to recognize and communicate with your Samsung Galaxy S21+ 5G. Make sure to download the latest versions of these files from trusted sources.

By following these steps and properly preparing your device, you will be ready to proceed with the rooting process. In the next section, we will explore the steps involved in unlocking the bootloader of your Samsung Galaxy S21+ 5G, which is an essential prerequisite for rooting. Stay tuned to learn more about the process and how to proceed safely.

IV. Unlocking the Bootloader

IV. Unlocking the Bootloader

To successfully root your Samsung Galaxy S21+ 5G using Magisk, you need to unlock the bootloader of your device. The bootloader is a piece of software that loads the operating system when you power on your phone. By default, the bootloader is locked to prevent unauthorized modifications to the system. Unlocking the bootloader is necessary to gain full control over your device and install custom software.

Unlocking the bootloader of your Samsung Galaxy S21+ 5G involves a step-by-step process. First, you need to enable Developer Options and USB Debugging, as mentioned in the previous section. Then, you will need to download and install the necessary tools on your computer, such as ADB and Fastboot.

Once you have the tools ready, you can proceed with the bootloader unlocking process. Connect your Samsung Galaxy S21+ 5G to your computer using a USB cable and open a command prompt or terminal window. Enter the required commands to unlock the bootloader, which may vary depending on your device model and software version. Make sure to follow the instructions carefully to avoid any issues.

It is important to note that unlocking the bootloader will void your device’s warranty and may result in data loss. Therefore, it is crucial to back up your data before proceeding. Additionally, unlocking the bootloader may expose your device to potential security risks. Take the necessary precautions and only proceed if you understand the risks involved.

By following the step-by-step guide and taking the necessary precautions, you can successfully unlock the bootloader of your Samsung Galaxy S21+ 5G and proceed with the rooting process. In the next section, we will explore the steps to root your device using Magisk Manager. Stay tuned for a comprehensive rooting tutorial.

V. Installing Magisk and Rooting the Samsung Galaxy S21+ 5G

To complete the rooting process of your Samsung Galaxy S21+ 5G using Magisk, you will need to install Magisk and root your device. This section will guide you through the necessary steps.

First, you need to download the correct version of Magisk for your Samsung Galaxy S21+ 5G. Visit the official Magisk website and download the latest stable version compatible with your device. Ensure that you choose the correct version to avoid any compatibility issues.

Once you have downloaded Magisk, you have two options for installation: flashing Magisk using a custom recovery like TWRP or using a Magisk Patched Boot Image. Both methods are effective, but the choice depends on your preference and device compatibility.

If you choose to flash Magisk using a custom recovery, such as TWRP, you will need to boot your device into recovery mode and flash the Magisk ZIP file. On the other hand, if you opt for the Magisk Patched Boot Image method, you will need to patch the stock boot image with Magisk Manager and then flash the patched boot image using fastboot.

Regardless of the method you choose, it is essential to follow the step-by-step instructions provided by the Magisk documentation or reputable sources. These instructions will guide you through the installation process and ensure a successful root.

After installing Magisk and rooting your Samsung Galaxy S21+ 5G, it is crucial to verify root access. You can do this by downloading a root checker app from the Google Play Store and running it on your device. The app will confirm whether your device has been successfully rooted.

In the next section, we will discuss the importance of managing root access using Magisk Manager and explore the risks and considerations associated with rooting your device. Stay tuned for valuable insights and tips on safely managing root access.

VI. Managing Root Access with Magisk Manager

VI. Managing Root Access with Magisk Manager

Once you have successfully rooted your Samsung Galaxy S21+ 5G using Magisk, it’s important to understand how to manage root access effectively. Magisk Manager provides a user-friendly interface with various features to help you control and customize your rooted device.

The Magisk Manager interface is intuitive and easy to navigate. It allows you to access essential functions such as installing modules, managing root access for specific apps, and hiding root from certain applications.

One of the key features of Magisk Manager is the ability to install modules. Modules are essentially add-ons or modifications that can enhance the functionality of your rooted device. These modules can range from performance tweaks to customization options. To install a module, simply download the desired module from the Magisk Manager repository and install it through the app.

Another important aspect of managing root access is the ability to control which apps have access to root privileges. Magisk Manager offers a feature called Magisk Hide, which allows you to hide root from specific apps. This can be useful for apps that may not function properly or refuse to work on rooted devices. By enabling Magisk Hide for these apps, you can bypass their root detection and use them seamlessly.

In addition to managing root access for specific apps, Magisk Manager also provides options to manage systemless hosts, reset props, and perform various other advanced functions. These features give you greater control over your rooted device and allow you to customize it according to your preferences.

By utilizing the features offered by Magisk Manager, you can effectively manage root access on your Samsung Galaxy S21+ 5G. Whether it’s installing modules, hiding root from specific apps, or customizing your device, Magisk Manager provides the tools you need to make the most out of your rooted experience.

VII. Troubleshooting Common Issues

VII. Troubleshooting Common Issues

During the rooting process of your Samsung Galaxy S21+ 5G using Magisk, you may encounter some common errors and issues. It’s important to be prepared and know how to address these problems effectively.

One common issue that users may face is encountering errors during the rooting process. These errors can range from failed installations to boot loops. If you encounter any errors, it’s recommended to first check the compatibility of the Magisk version with your device and Android version. Updating to the latest version of Magisk may resolve the issue. Additionally, ensuring that you have followed all the steps correctly and have the necessary prerequisites in place can help troubleshoot the problem.

If you experience a failed rooting attempt, it’s essential to have recovery options available. One option is to use a custom recovery like TWRP (Team Win Recovery Project) to restore your device to its previous state. TWRP allows you to create a backup of your device before rooting, which can be used to restore your device in case of any issues. Another option is to use the Odin tool provided by Samsung to flash the stock firmware and revert your device back to its original state.

In conclusion, while rooting your Samsung Galaxy S21+ 5G using Magisk can provide you with additional customization and control, it’s important to be aware of potential problems that may arise. By understanding common errors and having recovery options available, you can troubleshoot and resolve any issues that may occur during the rooting process.

VIII. Risks and Considerations

VIII. Risks and Considerations

Rooting your Samsung Galaxy S21+ 5G using Magisk provides you with a range of benefits and customization options. However, it’s important to be aware of the potential risks and considerations before proceeding.

One of the main risks associated with rooting is the impact on your device warranty and software updates. Rooting your device typically voids the manufacturer’s warranty, as it involves modifying the system files and software. This means that if you encounter any hardware or software issues in the future, you may not be eligible for free repairs or replacements. Additionally, rooting can also prevent your device from receiving official software updates from Samsung. These updates often include important security patches and bug fixes, so it’s crucial to weigh the benefits of rooting against the potential loss of warranty and updates.

It’s also important to encourage responsible use of rooted devices. Root access provides you with elevated privileges, which means that you have full control over your device’s system files and settings. While this can be advantageous for customization and performance enhancements, it also opens up the possibility of making irreversible changes or installing malicious apps. It’s essential to exercise caution and only install trusted apps and modifications from reputable sources. Regularly backing up your device and keeping a recovery option available can also help mitigate any potential risks.

By understanding the risks and considerations associated with rooting your Samsung Galaxy S21+ 5G, you can make an informed decision and take the necessary precautions to ensure a smooth and secure rooting process.

IX. Conclusion

Recap of the rooting process using Magisk on Samsung Galaxy S21+ 5G

Now that you have learned how to root your Samsung Galaxy S21+ 5G using Magisk, let’s recap the process. Rooting your device with Magisk allows you to gain full control over your device’s system files and settings, giving you the freedom to customize and optimize your smartphone experience.

To begin, you need to understand the implications of rooting and the potential risks involved. As mentioned earlier, rooting your device can void your warranty and prevent official software updates. However, the benefits of rooting, such as installing custom ROMs, removing bloatware, and enhancing performance, may outweigh these risks for some users.

To root your Samsung Galaxy S21+ 5G, you first need to prepare your device by enabling Developer Options and USB Debugging. Then, you can proceed to unlock the bootloader, which allows you to install custom recoveries and gain root access. Once the bootloader is unlocked, you can install Magisk, a powerful tool that manages root access and allows you to install modules for additional functionality.

It’s important to note that managing root access with Magisk Manager is crucial for maintaining the security and stability of your rooted device. With Magisk Manager, you can easily grant or deny root access to apps, ensuring that only trusted applications have elevated privileges.

In conclusion, rooting your Samsung Galaxy S21+ 5G using Magisk opens up a world of possibilities for customization and optimization. However, it’s essential to weigh the benefits against the risks and make an informed decision. By following the steps outlined in this guide and exercising caution, you can safely root your device and enjoy the full potential of your Samsung Galaxy S21+ 5G.


  1. Is rooting my Samsung Galaxy S21+ 5G safe?
    • Rooting your Samsung Galaxy S21+ 5G can offer numerous benefits, but it also comes with certain risks. While rooting itself is not inherently unsafe, it can void your device warranty and potentially cause software instability if not done correctly. It’s essential to follow the rooting process carefully and understand the implications before proceeding.
  2. Will rooting my Samsung Galaxy S21+ 5G erase all my data?
    • Rooting your device typically doesn’t erase your data by itself. However, certain steps in the rooting process, such as unlocking the bootloader or flashing custom firmware, can result in data loss. Therefore, it’s crucial to back up your important data and files before attempting to root your Samsung Galaxy S21+ 5G.
  3. Can I still receive software updates after rooting my Samsung Galaxy S21+ 5G?
    • Rooting your Samsung Galaxy S21+ 5G may impact your ability to receive official software updates from Samsung. Since rooting modifies the device’s system files, it can interfere with the installation of over-the-air (OTA) updates. However, you can still manually update your device by flashing official firmware or custom ROMs, provided they are compatible with your rooted device.
  4. What is Magisk Manager, and why is it used for rooting?
    • Magisk Manager is a powerful tool used for rooting Android devices, including the Samsung Galaxy S21+ 5G. Unlike traditional rooting methods, Magisk employs systemless root techniques, which allow for seamless integration with the Android system without modifying the system partition. Magisk Manager also offers features such as Magisk Hide, which allows users to hide root access from specific apps for enhanced compatibility.
  5. What should I do if I encounter issues during the rooting process?
    • If you encounter issues while rooting your Samsung Galaxy S21+ 5G using Magisk, don’t panic. First, carefully review the steps you’ve taken and ensure that you’ve followed the instructions accurately. If the issue persists, consult online forums, communities, or XDA Developers for assistance. You may also consider restoring your device to its original state by flashing stock firmware or seeking professional help if necessary. Always proceed with caution and prioritize the safety of your device and data.

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