How to Root Samsung Galaxy M42 5G using Magisk


Rooting is a process that allows users to gain privileged control over their Android devices. For Samsung Galaxy M42 5G users, rooting opens up a world of possibilities, including the ability to install custom ROMs, access advanced features, and customize their device to their liking.

However, it’s important to note that rooting comes with its own set of responsibilities. Before diving into the rooting process, it’s crucial to understand the risks involved and to prepare accordingly. This includes backing up important data, understanding the potential consequences of rooting, and being aware that it may void the device’s warranty.

When it comes to rooting Samsung devices, one popular and safe method is using Magisk. Magisk is a powerful tool that not only allows users to root their devices but also provides a systemless interface. This means that users can enjoy the benefits of rooting without altering the device’s system partition, making it easier to install OTA updates and maintain compatibility with various apps.

By using Magisk to root their Samsung Galaxy M42 5G, users can unlock the full potential of their device while still maintaining a secure and stable system. With careful preparation and the right tools, users can enjoy the benefits of rooting without compromising the integrity of their device. So, let’s dive into the step-by-step guide on how to root the Samsung Galaxy M42 5G using Magisk.



Before proceeding with the rooting process for your Samsung Galaxy M42 5G using Magisk, there are a few prerequisites that you need to fulfill. These prerequisites will ensure a smooth and successful rooting experience.

1. Necessary Tools and Downloads: To begin, you will need to gather all the necessary tools and downloads. This includes the specific version of Magisk, Odin, and the TWRP image. Make sure to provide clear instructions and links for users to download these files.

2. Bootloader Unlocking and Developer Options: In order to root your Samsung Galaxy M42 5G, you may need to unlock the bootloader and enable developer options on your device. Mention the importance of following the specific instructions for these steps and provide any additional resources if needed.

3. Backup Data: It is crucial to reiterate the importance of backing up your data before proceeding with the rooting process. This step ensures that your important files and settings are safely stored in case anything goes wrong during the rooting process. Emphasize the need for users to take this precaution for added security.

By fulfilling these prerequisites, you will be well-prepared to root your Samsung Galaxy M42 5G using Magisk. Taking the time to gather the necessary tools, unlock the bootloader if required, and backup your data will help ensure a successful and hassle-free rooting experience. So, let’s move on to the next section and dive into the step-by-step guide for rooting your device.

Understanding Rooting and Risks

Understanding Rooting and Risks

Rooting your Samsung Galaxy M42 5G using Magisk provides you with the ability to customize your device and unlock its full potential. However, it’s important to understand the potential risks associated with rooting before proceeding.

One of the main risks of rooting is voiding your device’s warranty. Manufacturers typically do not support rooted devices, and any damage caused by rooting may not be covered under warranty. It’s essential to weigh the benefits of rooting against the potential loss of warranty coverage.

Another risk is the potential for security vulnerabilities. Rooting grants you administrative access to your device’s operating system, which can be exploited by malicious apps or hackers. It’s crucial to only use reliable rooting methods and to exercise caution when granting root access to apps.

Bricking is another risk that can occur during the rooting process. Bricking refers to rendering your device unusable, essentially turning it into a “brick.” This can happen if the rooting process is not followed correctly or if incompatible software is used. It’s vital to carefully follow instructions and use compatible software to minimize the risk of bricking your device.

If your Samsung Galaxy M42 5G has Knox security, it’s important to note that rooting may trigger Knox’s security features, potentially affecting certain device functionalities. Be sure to research and understand the implications of rooting on devices with Knox security.

By understanding these risks and taking necessary precautions, you can make an informed decision about whether rooting is right for you. Remember to always use reliable methods, follow instructions carefully, and weigh the benefits against the potential risks.

Unlocking the Bootloader (Optional)

Unlocking the bootloader of your Samsung Galaxy M42 5G is an optional step in the rooting process. However, it is important to note that unlocking the bootloader can have potential consequences and should only be done if you are comfortable with the risks involved.

If your specific M42 5G variant and Android version require bootloader unlocking, it is crucial to provide detailed instructions or a separate guide link to ensure that users can follow the process correctly. This will help users understand the steps involved and minimize the risk of any errors or complications.

Before proceeding with bootloader unlocking, it is essential to emphasize the potential consequences. Unlocking the bootloader can void your device’s warranty and may also lead to security vulnerabilities. It is important to weigh the benefits of unlocking the bootloader against these risks and make an informed decision.

Additionally, users should be warned to proceed with caution and only unlock the bootloader if they are comfortable with the process. It is recommended to thoroughly research and understand the implications before proceeding. By doing so, users can ensure a smoother rooting process and minimize any potential issues that may arise.

Installing TWRP Recovery (Optional)

If TWRP installation is required for your chosen Magisk rooting method, it is important to provide users with detailed instructions or a separate guide link to ensure a smooth process. TWRP, or Team Win Recovery Project, is a custom recovery that offers several benefits for advanced users.

One of the main advantages of TWRP is its ability to create and restore full system backups. This means that if anything goes wrong during the rooting process or when installing custom ROMs, users can easily revert back to a stable state. TWRP also allows users to flash custom ROMs, kernels, and mods, giving them the flexibility to customize their Samsung Galaxy M42 5G according to their preferences.

In addition, TWRP provides a user-friendly interface that makes it easier to navigate and perform various tasks. It offers touch-based controls and a simple menu system, making it accessible even for users who are not familiar with advanced technical processes.

By installing TWRP, users can enhance their rooting experience and take full control of their Samsung Galaxy M42 5G. However, it is important to note that TWRP installation is an optional step and should only be undertaken if it is necessary for the chosen Magisk rooting method. Users should carefully consider the risks and benefits before proceeding with TWRP installation.

Magisk Rooting Method

Magisk Rooting Method:

To root your Samsung Galaxy M42 5G safely and effectively, you can rely on the Magisk rooting method along with Odin. This method ensures a secure process tailored to your specific M42 5G variant and Android version.

To begin, it is crucial to follow clear and concise step-by-step instructions for using Odin to flash the Magisk patched boot image. This process involves connecting your device to a computer, entering download mode, and using Odin to flash the patched boot image file. By doing so, you will gain root access to your device and unlock a world of customization possibilities.

When proceeding with the Magisk rooting method, it is essential to emphasize the importance of verifying downloads and meticulously following instructions. This ensures that you are using the correct files and reduces the risk of encountering any issues during the rooting process. Additionally, it is crucial to understand the risks involved in rooting your device and the potential consequences it may have on your device’s warranty.

By following the Magisk rooting method using Odin, you can safely and effectively root your Samsung Galaxy M42 5G. Remember to exercise caution, double-check instructions, and enjoy the benefits of a rooted device, such as installing custom ROMs and unlocking additional features.

Verifying Root Access

Verifying Root Access:

Once you have successfully rooted your Samsung Galaxy M42 5G using the Magisk method, it is important to verify that the root access has been granted. This can be done easily by using a root checker app. A root checker app allows you to check whether your device has been successfully rooted and if it has the necessary privileges to access and modify system files.

There are several reliable root checker apps available in the Google Play Store that you can use to verify the root status of your device. Two popular options are “Root Checker” and “Root Checker Basic”. These apps are user-friendly and provide a simple interface to check the root status of your device.

To use a root checker app, simply download and install it from the Google Play Store. Open the app and tap on the “Verify Root” or similar button. The app will then analyze your device and display the root status. If your device is successfully rooted, you will see a message confirming the root access. On the other hand, if your device is not rooted, the app will inform you accordingly.

Verifying root access is an important step to ensure that the rooting process was successful. It allows you to confirm that your device has the necessary privileges to enjoy the benefits of a rooted device, such as installing custom ROMs and using root-only apps. So, make sure to use a reliable root checker app to verify the root status of your Samsung Galaxy M42 5G after rooting it using the Magisk method.

Optimizing and Using Magisk

Optimizing and Using Magisk:

Magisk is a powerful tool that not only allows you to root your Samsung Galaxy M42 5G but also provides a range of additional features and functionalities. Understanding how to optimize and use Magisk will enhance your rooted device experience.

One of the key features of Magisk is the ability to install Magisk modules. These modules are essentially add-ons that can be downloaded and installed through the Magisk Manager app. They offer additional features, customization options, and even performance improvements. From customizing the device’s appearance to adding new functionalities, Magisk modules can greatly enhance your rooted device.

When installing Magisk modules, it is important to choose trusted sources and modules. Stick to well-known developers and read user reviews to ensure the module is safe and reliable. While Magisk modules can greatly enhance your device, it’s important to be cautious about potential security risks. Always research and understand what a module does before installing it to avoid any potential issues.

By optimizing and using Magisk, you can unlock the full potential of your Samsung Galaxy M42 5G. Take advantage of the additional features and customization options offered by Magisk modules, but always exercise caution and choose trusted sources. With Magisk, you can truly personalize your device and enjoy the benefits of a rooted device.

Troubleshooting and Tips (Optional)

Troubleshooting and Tips (Optional):

When it comes to rooting your Samsung Galaxy M42 5G using Magisk, you may encounter some common issues along the way. However, with the right troubleshooting steps, you can overcome these challenges and successfully root your device.

One common issue that users may face is the device getting stuck in a boot loop after rooting. If this happens, you can try booting into the TWRP recovery mode and clearing the cache and Dalvik cache. This can help resolve any conflicts or errors that may be causing the boot loop.

Another issue that may arise is the device not being recognized by the computer when trying to flash Magisk using Odin. In such cases, make sure you have installed the necessary USB drivers for your device and try using a different USB cable or port. Additionally, disabling any security software or antivirus programs on your computer can also help resolve this issue.

To ensure a smooth rooting experience, there are a few tips you can follow. Firstly, make sure your device has a stable internet connection throughout the rooting process. This is important as it ensures that all necessary files are downloaded and installed correctly.

Secondly, ensure that your device is fully charged or has at least 50% battery life before starting the rooting process. This helps prevent any interruptions or issues that may arise due to low battery levels.

By addressing common issues and following these tips, you can have a successful and hassle-free rooting experience with Magisk on your Samsung Galaxy M42 5G. Remember to always proceed with caution and research thoroughly before making any changes to your device.


Recap the key steps and emphasize the importance of following instructions carefully. Rooting your Samsung Galaxy M42 5G using Magisk involves several important steps that must be followed carefully. First, you need to unlock the bootloader, which allows you to make changes to the device’s software. Then, you can install TWRP recovery, which is a custom recovery that enables you to flash Magisk. Finally, you can use Magisk to root your device and gain access to advanced customization options.

Remind readers about the inherent risks and suggest further resources for learning more. It’s important to note that rooting your device comes with certain risks. It can void your warranty, potentially brick your device, and expose it to security vulnerabilities. Therefore, it’s crucial to thoroughly research and understand the risks involved before proceeding with the rooting process. For more information and guidance, you can refer to online forums, tutorials, and communities dedicated to Android rooting.

Briefly discuss alternative rooting methods if applicable (with PC). If you prefer to root your Samsung Galaxy M42 5G using a PC, there are alternative methods available. These methods typically involve using software like Odin to flash custom recovery and root files onto your device. However, it’s important to note that these methods may vary depending on your device model and firmware version. Make sure to follow reliable guides and instructions specific to your device to avoid any complications.

Mention how to unroot the device if needed (applicable if rooting is planned). If you ever need to unroot your device, you can do so by using the “Uninstall” option in the Magisk Manager app. This will remove all modifications made by Magisk and restore your device to its original state. Keep in mind that unrooting your device may not reinstate your warranty, and it’s always a good idea to backup your data before making any changes to your device.

By following these steps, understanding the risks involved, and exploring alternative methods if desired, you can successfully root your Samsung Galaxy M42 5G using Magisk and enjoy the benefits of a customized Android experience. Remember to proceed with caution and always research thoroughly before making any modifications to your device.


  1. Will rooting my M42 5G with Magisk void my warranty? Yes, rooting generally voids your warranty. Understand potential repair costs and implications before proceeding.
  2. Is Magisk rooting safe for my M42 5G? While Magisk itself is popular and considered “safer” than other methods, rooting always carries risks like security vulnerabilities and bricking. Proceed with caution and back up your data thoroughly.
  3. Do I need to unlock the bootloader before rooting my M42 5G with Magisk? This depends on your specific model and Android version. Research requirements carefully and unlock the bootloader if necessary.
  4. What happens if I make a mistake while rooting my M42 5G with Magisk? Mistakes can lead to bootloops, data loss, or bricking. Research common issues beforehand, follow the guide meticulously, and consider seeking professional help if needed.
  5. Are there alternative methods to rooting the M42 5G besides Magisk? Yes, other methods exist, but some might involve more risks or technical knowledge. Research options carefully and choose the method that best suits your comfort level and needs.

·       Magisk Manager Latest Version ( Download )

·       SDK Platform Tool ( Download )

·       TWRP Recovery ( Download )

·       SafetyNet Fix Magisk Module ( Download )

·       Dolby Atmos Magisk Module ( Download )

·       God-Speed Magisk Module ( Download )

·       NL-Sound Magisk Module ( Download )

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